Fitness Trainer

La fit studio


La Nutrition Fitness Studio was founded in 2019 as a operated business specialising in supplying high-quality group class fitness training and nutrition management. Instead of being just another gym, rebounding / trampoline is our signature course with amazing lighting effect and music compilation.

Rebound workouts is the most exciting and fun workout you’ll ever take part in. We bounce to choreographed routines on a trampoline. It’s a super low impact workout, reducing impact on your body by 87% and making it kind on your joints. It’s fun, allows you to burn 100’s of calories and gives you endless health benefits.

Rebounding workouts on trampolines are perfect for everyone; all ages and all abilities. The lymphatic drainage benefits, increase bone density and reduction in stress, anxiety and depression, really appeals everyone. We’ve had so many people hitting goals, they’ve been trying to achieve for years by just having good fun!


La Nutrition Fitness Studio was founded in 2019 as a operated business specializing in supplying high-quality group class fitness training and nutrition management. Instead of being just another gym, rebounding / trampoline is our signature course with amazing lighting effect and music compilation.

Rebound workouts is the most exciting and fun workout you’ll ever take part in. We bounce to choreographed routines on a trampoline. It’s a super low impact workout, reducing impact on your body by 87% and making it kind on your joints. It’s fun, allows you to burn 100’s of calories and gives you endless health benefits.

Rebounding workouts on trampolines are perfect for everyone; all ages and all abilities. The lymphatic drainage benefits, increase bone density and reduction in stress, anxiety and depression, really appeals everyone. We’ve had so many people hitting goals, they’ve been trying to achieve for years by just having good fun!

class Details

6 9人小組教學比起市面上一般大班教學更容易學習教練易於集中教授一堂一小時適合男女及任何年齡和程度不設長期合約。

6 種運動班

Trampoline Dance 彈床 + 舞蹈 

Trampoline FIT 彈床 + 肌肉訓練

TRX 懸吊訓練

Fitball 瑜珈波

H.I.I.T 高強度間竭訓練

Fit Class 快速瘦身操肌班

group class

❤ Trampoline Dance

熱門歌曲搭配有氧動作,配合熱烈氣氛,加上場地特設LED Wall,快速燃脂好玩又過癮。一小時結合音樂幻燈的運動旅程,每次燃燒約1200卡路里,有效保持心臟健康,在舞動時能同時訓練不同的肌肉組群,包括髖關節、骨盆旁邊的肌肉,腹,背部肌肉,及手腳肌群,有助增加其協調及靈活性,減肥就自然變得輕鬆愉快。

❤ Trampoline FIT 




❤ Fitball


❤ H.I.I.T 高強度間歇訓練


❤ Fit Class 全新快速瘦身班



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